The relationship between the ureide contents and nodule nitrogen fixation activities in wild soybean (Glycine soja) lines
Zhu Changfu, Miao Yinong, Liu Xuejun, Xu Shoumin, Zheng Huiyu, Xu Bao
School of Life Science, Northeast Normal University. Changchun 130024,Jilin;China
Nodule nitrogen fixation activities were higher in pod-setting stage whereas nodule and middle-upper stem ureide contents were higher in late pod-filling stage. Ureide concents in nodules and middle-upper stems of eight wild soybean lines with different seed protein contents were significantly positively correlated with nodule nitrogen fixation activities Significantly positive correlations between nodule nitrogen fixation activities, middle-upper stem ureide contents and seed protein contents were observed. Middleupper stem ureide contents may be used as an index of nitrogen fixation capacity in wild soybean lines.
Key words: Wild soybean;Nitrogen fixation activities;Ureide;Protsin
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Citing This Article:
Zhu Changfu, Miao Yinong, Liu Xuejun, Xu Shoumin, Zheng Huiyu, Xu Bao. The relationship between the ureide contents and nodule nitrogen fixation activities in wild soybean (Glycine soja) lines. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).