Effect of insulin on the function of pancreatic exocrine
Yang Yingkui, Zhu Wenyu
Research Laboratory in Physiology of Digestion, Beijing Medical University. Beijing 100083
Pancreatic function was determined in the diabetic rats prepared with STZ, a compound specifically damaging B--cells of the islets. The results indicated that in STZ rats the amylase content and the level of amylase mRNA in pancreas were significantly decreased. Studies in vitro showed that the binding of ~(125)I--insulin with diabetic acini was mch higher than that of control (P<0.01). The uptake of the ~(3)H--glucose, the incorporation of ~(3)H--leucine in acini, and the Na~(+)--K~(+)ATPase activity in acinar membrane of diabetic rats were also significantly lower than that of the control was (P<0.01). However, the above--mentioned alternations could be reversed by replacement of insulin. These results indicate that insulin plays an important regulating role on the function of pancreatic acini.
Key words: Amylase;Amylase mRNA;Insulin receptor;Diabetes ;
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Citing This Article:
Yang Yingkui, Zhu Wenyu. Effect of insulin on the function of pancreatic exocrine. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).