Shape and extent of integration field of cat^s striate cortical neurones
Li Wu, Li Chaoyi
Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200031
120 cells were recorded from area 17 of cats and their length and width summation properties were investigated by drifting sinusoidal grating patches. The study shows that (1) for most of the cells, the RF was roughly equal in length and width, while most of the integration fields (IFs) were of elongated sape either in length or in width; (2) the size of the IFs was mostly 2---7 times (mean 3.7 times) the size of the related RFs, no significant difference was seen between the simple and the complex cells; (3) the size of the IFs tends to increase with increase of retinal eccentricity of the RFs; (4) for neurones whose RF located near the vertical meridian (VM), the IF extent, bilaterally into both the contra--and the ipsilateral sides to about the same extend, but the strength of the modulatory effect of the ipsilateral field is weaker than that of the contralateral field. The above results indicate that neurones of the primary visual cortex integrate visual information from an extensive visual field, and the integration effect may cross the VM to the ipsilateral side.
Key words: Cat;Visual cortex;Neurone;Receptive field;Spatial summation;Integration
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Citing This Article:
Li Wu, Li Chaoyi. Shape and extent of integration field of cat^s striate cortical neurones. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).