Photosynthetic characteristics of chloroplasts in photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile rice (Nongkan 58s rice)
Tang Chongqin, Tong Zhe, Peng Dechuan, Zhang Qide
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing
Compared with short day treatment (SD 10h light a day), long day treatment (LD 15 h light a day) resulted in lower PS Ⅱ photochemical activity and lower efficiency of primary conversion of light energy in PS Ⅱ. The rate of electron transport in PS Ⅱ PS Ⅱ and through the whole chain under LD was lower too. The chloroplasts from LD-treated leaves of Nongken 58s (58s-LD) contained less chlorophyll b than 58s-SD. The marked decline of photochemical activity of Nongken 58s chloroplasts induced by LD may result in lower amount of various photosynthetic products, which are probably involved in the primary cause of male sterility.
Key words: Rice;Male sterility;Chorolplast;Exitation energy;Efficiency of conversion of light energy
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Citing This Article:
Tang Chongqin, Tong Zhe, Peng Dechuan, Zhang Qide. Photosynthetic characteristics of chloroplasts in photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile rice (Nongkan 58s rice). Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).