Analysis of the acetylcholine action on the electrical activites of pancreatic islet B-cells in mice
Tao Feng, Su Qingfen, Zhang Jinru
Department of Physiology, Shanghai Medical University. Shanghai
The B cell membrane potential was decreased and the spikes were in creased by the ACh microinotophoresis. These effects were dependent on glucose and completely blocked by atropine. However, pirenzepine could attenuate the electrical activity by approximately 70%.The ACh-induced membrane depolarization was Ca~(2+) independent and blocked by TTX.But the effect of ACh on spikes was Ca~(2+)-dependent and not blocked by verapamil.
Key words: Pencreatic Bcells;Acetylcholine;Intracellular potential recording; Microiontophoresis
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Citing This Article:
Tao Feng, Su Qingfen, Zhang Jinru. Analysis of the acetylcholine action on the electrical activites of pancreatic islet B-cells in mice. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).