Two components in bereitschaftspotential
Jiang Deming, Fan Cunzheng, Gao Beirong, Wang Baiyang
School of Life Science, Fudan University. Shanghai
There is no significant difference between BP onsettimes of the two kinds of movement and that BP occurs before the instruction of movement.The early componen of BP,i.e. the negative wave before the presentation of instruction, has no relationship with movement preparation.It was found that BP onsettime of unconscious eyeblink. the results suggest that the BP early component is elicited by psychological factors, rather than the result of the preparatory process of movements in the brain.
Key words: Bereitschaftspotential(BP)or readiness potential(RP);Event related potential (ERP);Voluntary movement;Eye blink movement;Unconcious movement
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Jiang Deming, Fan Cunzheng, Gao Beirong, Wang Baiyang. Two components in bereitschaftspotential. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).