ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



贺道耀, 余叔文

中科院上海植物生理研究所环境生物学室.上海 200032


由经羟脯氨酸处理的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种香血糯幼胚愈伤组织中分离出的高脯氨酸变异体,经过长期继代培养、分化和脱分化培养等无性繁殖过程,仍保持其高脯氨酸含量特性。再生植株自交后代的脯氨酸含量大大高于原型对照。杂交6-7个有性世代的测试表明高脯氨酸特性有遗传性。高脯氨酸变异系杂交种子在盐胁迫条件下的发芽率明显高于原型和另一个亲本品种,幼苗生长亦较佳,显示高脯氨酸株系增强的耐盐性可以遗传。

关键词: 脯氨酸; 耐盐性; 水稻; 遗传性

Inheritance of the higher proline content characteristic and salt tolerance of high-proline-producing variant of rice

He Daoyao, Yu Shuwen

Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology,the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200032


A high-proline-producing variant of rice was isolated from embryo callus treated with hydroxyproline. The characteristic of high proline content was stable during the long time of subculture, and differentiation and dedifferentiation culture. The regenerated plants and their selfing offsprings also maintained high proline content. Their proline content was much higher than that of the original type taken as control. Experiments on the progenies of hybrids (high-proline-producing variant×other two varieties of rice, W6154s and Nanjing 11) showed that the characteristic of high proline content was hereditary. Under saline stress the germination rate of the hybrid seeds of the variant was markedly higher than that of the original type and another parent (Nanjing 11), and the seedling growth also better. It is showed that the increased salt tolerance of high-proline-producing variant was inheritable.

Key words: Proline salt;Tolerance;Rice;Heredity

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贺道耀, 余叔文. 水稻高脯氨酸变异系高脯氨酸含量和耐盐性的遗传性[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (4): .

He Daoyao, Yu Shuwen. Inheritance of the higher proline content characteristic and salt tolerance of high-proline-producing variant of rice. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).